Back in June 2010, my good buddy BootsSD Jeff organized some of the men on Recon by creating a one-time "Leather Night" at the Eagle in San Diego. It was a wonderful success:
Jeff gave me permission to keep the ball rolling, so I gathered the men's emails and created a new group called FetishMenSanDiego. As of today, Saturday, January 29, 2011, there are 692 followers via our various social networks and huge email list. We've hosted dozens of events, and have always kept our word.
The best kind of solid, dependable, big-hearted men have gathered at the heart of the club to help run events, and make future plans. New leaders are rising among us, nurtured by a climate of acceptance and brotherhood.
Our events are getting larger and larger, and word is getting around, all over the world.
We're a new-style thing - a "Smart Mob", rather than a traditional-style affinity-group. This means that we stay flexible, have zero overhead, and focus exclusively on building a better Tribe.
We don't use any paperwork at all, ever - We add members using a smartphone-friendly web-page that allows anyone inside or outside the group to add new members instantly and easily, anywhere.
I'll be explaining a lot more about all of this as time goes by, but I write best when I'm responding to feedback and questions. That's what gets me going!
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